- 確認申請的範疇 (programs)、上網填寫認證資格調查表(accreditation eligibility inquiry),AACSB收到後會在myAccreditation為學校開啟一個資格申請專戶
- 透過MyAccreditation陳遞eligibility application and profile sheet (附表1 ),填寫內容除學院基本資料 (校名、學院名稱、院長、填表人)及:
- 學院使命(current business school mission statement)
- 年度預算(學校之收入與支出、學院之收入與支出)
- 認證範疇(擬認證之學制、地點、最近一期取得學位人數)
- 各種學位(學士、碩士、在職專班、學分班)學生人數(全校、學院)
- 教師人數:區分專任教師及兼任教師,分四類
- IAC審查上述文件後會發送審查結果,指示下一個步驟;若通過,將指派一位諮詢顧問(mentor)於整個認證期間提供協助。
- 可排除五專、雙軌旗艦、國際專班(由AACSB認定)
- 申請啟始認證程序,請參考附表2 AACSB Initial Accreditation Process Timeline
第一部份:策略規劃與創新 |
Section 1: Strategic Management and Innovation |
標準一:策略規劃 |
Standard 1: Strategic Planning |
標準二:軟硬體及財務狀況 |
Standard 2: Physical, Virtual, and Financial Resources |
標準三:教職員 |
Standard 3: Faculty and Professional Staff Resources |
- Consistent mission
- 5-year strategic plan
- Supporting processes by university/college/department
- Faculty and staff sufficiency
- Faculty qualification status
第二部份:學習者的成功 |
Section 2: Learner Success |
標準四:課程 |
Standard 4: Curriculum |
標準五:學習成效確保 |
Standard 5: Assurance of Learning |
標準六:學習者歷程 |
Standard 6: Learner Progression |
標準七:教學有效性及影響 |
Standard 7: Teaching Effectiveness and Impact |
- Curriculum management through Assurance of Learning (AoL)
第三部份:思想領導力、參與及社會影響力 |
Section 3: Thought Leadership, Engagement, and Societal Impact |
標準八:學術影響力 |
Standard 8: Impact of Scholarship |
標準九:參與及社會影響力 |
Standard 9: Engagement and Societal Impact |
- 5-year portfolios of faculty intellectual contributions (ICs)
- Societal impact through diverse stakeholder networks